Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Day 101: Weightless Ants in Space

Today was the final finishing touches on the feedback for Robotron. That start screen now includes the family members and player all showing off for a neat intro:

As for RPP work, today was an especially tricky day. The new character animation and mesh was finally in, so I had to connect all previous casting to a third person character to this new blueprint. Luckily enough, I updated the AI to now spawn and get distracted by said new character's arrows. This was a similar aggravation check with a lower priority and a higher radius to track down player projectiles:

The last trick with AI was ensuring weightlessness without interfering with the character control. What ended up was a complex set of disabling and re-enabling colliders that never got the ant mesh to appear in the right place. This required the dirty fix of respawning another ant in the exact same spot, but it works:

What next? Non-AI things. (Thank goodness)

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