And now that first day of school has started, I have had... no programming classes. Shock! Instead, we have had a production for media class, where I compared Pac-Man to Gabriel Wilson in terms of what consists of an iconic character. (Pac-Man won)
What to do with programming, though? The past day or two was spent uploading a lot of my projects to Github, so if there's anything from my previous work you'd like to take a gander at (with the right libraries), look em up here. I did get to run the maze on the new laptop and am surprisingly pleased by its capabilities; I can now successfully work on a lovely looking maze here:
What to do next? Well, I am still twiddling my fingers until SOMETHING programming related comes my way that I can screenshot, so I will work with those time dilation squares and see if I can manage slow or fast motion for the whole game for a neat effect. So far I'm looking into UGameplayStatics's SetGlobalTimeDilation to affect the run of deltaTime.
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