Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Day 3: Industry Statistics and Creeping Back to the Maze

Today was a slow day again. Apart from a production lecture on industry statistics, there wasn't too much that actually went on today in terms of programming. In anticipation of something to actually happen, I went back to working with the maze project in Unreal Engine 4. I'm quite glad I kept to my side project despite the advice to completely let go of it during the actual coursework, especially with constructing the boxes that will speed and slow down time globally. There are a few things I have to consider when setting time dilation, though.

The function that affects deltaTime is the SetGlobalTimeDilation method, which is set in UGameplayStatics. I also have to track down every moving actor in the game and set CustomTimeDilation for each of them (public members); so far only the player and spikes need set, so I'll have to not get all actors and instead use UGameplayStatics's GetActorsOfClass method as well. The last thing to look into was the audio; by modulating pitch, I could get that slow and speed effect I was looking for. However, I have to work on it further to see if I can change the actual music's pitch while it is playing. Hopefully once I get time to test out the collision box (FastBox!) I'll be able to bring these speed changes together. I also used delegates for both the OnOverlapBegin and OnOverlapEnd functions, so there won't be a boolean constantly checked during Tick. That will keep the maze from becoming too slow. 

Here's to school giving me more programming to do, too! My work won't be side projects for long.

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