Saturday, November 7, 2015

Day 76: Productivity Comes In Waves

Today was a bit (of a lot) of a curveball in terms of productivity and progress. The Perforce server was down for the most part of the day, so I was forced to work locally for awhile.

That said, I managed a spawner for waves of enemies. Unity doesn't allow structs to be shown in the editor, so I used a small serializable class to mark waves. Waves contain simple things such as spawn rate, enemies to spawn, and how long till the next wave, so that within that time random enemies of varying difficulty and spawn time. Alas, not the most artistic way, but that's up to the producers once they prototype level design.

Oh yeah, the bear got a funky new design as well. Looks great!

Afterward was the sturgeon, a new sort of enemy. The enemy needed a tricky bit of work in inheriting classes, mainly due to the different sort of behavior. The sturgeon starts out slow but zooms straight ahead to the left side of the screen; that, and leaves an alternating stream of bullets in its wake that also accelerate. Mike and Ike's, they be not.

Next up? Plenty! The mortar strike comes first though, so I created a quick script to get a double-touch target circle to prepare for the mortar strike.

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