Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Day 93: Plans for the Future and Extra Cronies

Today wasn't too much of a day for RPP progress. My producer had me work projectiles as a means of switching (along with the ley line), which had me battling some blueprint code that replaced my ObjectToActivate (the mystic moving objects) with something else. Careful surgery (ripping it out) fixed it right up.

As for the critique on this round...eh. I think they missed the point. We do have some ideas on iterating upon our progress so far, especially the personal time dilation (along with global) and attaching attunement based on the tracking crystal's current color.

Robotron, though, went splendidly. I worked the Grunts' behavior (normalizing the distance toward the target and move toward it) along with the Hulks (randomly move in a direction). When destroying the mines (first time, since the player can't move yet), I had to move the object up and right by half the width when scaling down to make it look like the object is shrinking toward the middle.

I also worked a function to draw two quads on the hulk, one for the flashing portions (white texture part) and the rest of the hulk to get that flashing piece effect:

Next? Well, as you can see, hulks and grunts can't go through walls. Gotta fix that.

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