Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Day 86: Boggled

Phew! That marks the end of the mobile prototype. Now onto other things!

That other thing in particular is another programming assignment, the simulation of the game Boggle.
Luckily enough, I'm quite familiar with allocation of memory from the heap and how it'll be required for our assignment.

The dictionary of words in question will be read from a list and put into a linked list structure. Since no words will be added or removed from the list, there thankfully won't be any functionality other than allocation of the list and freeing the memory as necessary. Same for the board as well; the professor has provided us with a series of constants that are represented as dice. Unfortunately, there's no way that one can just iterate through constants excepting the creation of a dice array (more allocation!), so I'll make that my next step. If I can get a board of dice printed today, I can tackle the more pressing search work for tomorrow.

I'm quite excited that I actually know what I'm doing for once with memory allocation!

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