Sunday, October 11, 2015

Day 49: Psychedelic Ball and Billboards

Today was yet another optimizing and slight addition day; with the luck of the DirectX player sounds I managed yesterday, I added a couple of other sounds in a similar manner. I also pulled in a neat effect where I took the random block colors I applied to the blocks and applied it every time the ball hits something; this ensures the ball changes color in a psychedelic and mildly confusing manner.

What next? Honestly, what next? I'm running out of time before the project turn-in, especially with two gigantic tests over the next couple of days and the prototype on the horizon:

I also went back to working with Cg in Unity and learned how billboarding works. When applying the point, I apply the projection matrix, but also multiply it with the world-view matrix times an origin point in object space (0, 0, 0, 1). This ensures the textured area in space always rotates toward the camera, used with things like grass or in this case, world maps:

Time for sleep, as exams await tomorrow and Tuesday.

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