Saturday, May 14, 2016

Cmake Me Crazy

Yeugh. Today was a definitely long day thanks to Assimp. The binaries originally only work with a visualization exe, so I had to use cmake to make the libraries. On top of that, I also needed to install DirectXDK and do a lot of other fancy things to get the ball rolling.

However, we do have a full 3D model going!

As for the advanced lighting, I still have a bit more to go, but I managed a bloom effect. After passing colorbuffer textures back and forth, one can combine the HDR effect from the previous day and make a 2D texture of bright objects. Afterwards, one can use a simple form of Gaussian blur (blurring horizontally THEN vertically, not at the same time) and apply that to the main scene to get a nice bloom effect:

What's next? Time to put those complex models to proper lighting practice.

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