Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Day 9: Subdividing my Brain

Yeesh, seems like the diamond-square algorithm has plenty more caveats than expected.

It's still in the works, but it looks as if I can't specify exact widths and heights for the algorithm to be valid. The explanations make it look easy for 5x5 and 3x3, but the actual nature of how many points will be generated is based on the amount of subdivisions in the surface. That said, one can still generate terrain points close up; the detail, however, is determined by the subdivision.

What to do? Well, the square initially starts out as a two-by-two, but averages a center point. That center point averages out its outside diamond points (harder than it looks due to edge cases) and the processes begins anew with new squares.

As for capstone? We barely swung by a close call; seems as if the Victory plugin needs checked out in order for me to produce a working build. I sure don't like relying on plugins, but my programmers seem to be working fairly well with it.

What next? Producing those diamonds and squares with proper edge cases! Think outside the box! (or don't; that's outside of vector subscript ranges)

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