Sunday, June 5, 2016

Day 21: Cell-Splitting

Today's mainly an interim day; it's surprising that one day, you can roll through with plenty of fun visuals, and other days where it's quite low in terms of big accomplishments.

The big bug in capstone today was differentiating between control rotation and actor rotation for the respawning of the player. When respawning, the player is actually teleported back to their previous location. In order to preserve things like direction, one must change both the actor's rotation and the specific rotation of the camera. The camera rotation is controlled by controller rotation, so one has to properly offset the camera rotation from the actor rotation and use that as a constant whenever the respawn actor rotation changes. This was all realized in discovery over a matter of time, so it took awhile.

As for exciting things? Cells? Yes! Terrain cells! Seems that that process takes a while to do as well. I just finished creating the classes for cells rendering their specific bits of terrain; they hold a buffer containing an entire cell's width and height of terrain quads. This means that I'll be spending the next couple of days taking the buffer rendering out of the terrain and making it a vessel for the Terrain Cells.

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