Saturday, June 11, 2016

Warp Surfing and the Moon

Today was a light day, but carried its fair share of busy all the same.

For capstone, it was mainly fixing the big bugs of yesterday's playtest. What were the bugs? Mainly being able to spam the warp button and using its small vertical offset to reach ridiculous heights, along with the cube actually carrying the player in a warp if shot from below. The first one required a cooldown, but the second one required a tricky sweep in which the player had to sweep her body and check for a cube; the cube sweep had more of a chance to sweep into something else, since its body is larger.

As for terrain? Good news! I figured out what was the problem with the terrain mapping. This hearkens back to my studies in depth mapping, where depth values vary exponentially, or at least not on a solidly linear scale. That meant that around the values 0.9-1.1 were the big depth values in terms of varying texture. In that case, I decided to go with three levels of detail: One with the fully detailed normal, one with the stretched out distance map, and one with absolutely no normal map. This manages at least some more level of detail that feels a bit more natural than just dropping from lots of detail to no detail:

Also, the deep blackness of space and the barren environment reminds me of the moon; I should probably introduce greener pastures.

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