Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Day 2: OpenGL is a Problem Child

Today was infinitely more stressful due to the issues provided to me by attempting to setup an OpenGL project. Not only was the example limited to x86 processor builds, but CMake does not work for getting the GLFW, a necessary utility library, to make any libraries I need. I'll have to come in tomorrow and beg for a solution.

As for main work today, I found out why the Tracking Crystal was not working for my character for the longest time in capstone: the programming had been snipped in Blueprints! (Gasp) The real reason was that the material that controlled state changes in the character had changed vector parameters, so I had to switch to changing the "Emissive" property instead of the "Color" property. There's still one thing that has me stumped, though; the color doesn't seem to be checking correctly when testing the tracking crystal's color versus the currently colliding ley node color. I tested out the vectors and the colors themselves seem to be completely different. It's quite odd. Unfortunately, I won't have too much time to resolve the issue until I get this OpenGL problem child fixed up.

On the bright side, Game Lab started today! It's a class for promoting non-entertainment, "serious" game design. The EEG work I've been doing applies perfectly to the group project, but I also finished up a proposal to explore games that promote nonviolence and peace, and I know just the games to reflect this teaching.

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