Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Spiral Twister

Today was the chance to implement a neat little feature to TrailConverge, along with fixing a few bugs. Remember! Always have a subscriber attached to a button and focus on curbing velocity on the floating objects to keep them from escaping Earth's atmosphere.

As for the feature, it's an extension of the circular pathways on the trailing objects. When enough rewards are accumulated, I triggered a set of two coroutines to move the objects back and forth along the Z axis. Usually there's nothing too interesting about it, but combined with the circular movement it produces a neat spiral effect:

To truly illustrate the effect, I also whipped up a quick script that allows the camera to follow a sequence of dynamic positions and rotations to see the spiral in better view as it converged. The interpolations were linear for both, as this specific linearly interpolates camera angles without Gimbal Lock. If need be, I can always update with a Slerp if things get crazy.

Also, the previous skybox was a bit gloomy, so I felt the stars in the sky (especially with the revolving planet look) would have been more suitable.

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