Thursday, January 14, 2016

Day 4: In Which Time Is Short

My apologies! Time is short and so is my ability to blog post!

1. The cross platform project went along almost smoothly, save for a test case I had to take out for now due to C++ native tests not playing nicely with user-defined types.

2. The templated singly linked list is on! Other than some vague feelings I have about functions and return values, I have a fairly good implementation I can start testing (with native C++ and user-defined types...) every possible condition for public methods.

3. I attempted to get some time in for capstone, but today's turn of events unfortunately conspired against anything that results in actual screenshots. C++ MasterProjectile class preview, hopefully!

What's next? I definitely know what I will do to improve time management in the future. (Know when to leave early from talks when work calls)

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