Friday, January 8, 2016

Getting Back in the Action

It's been a couple of days, and due to transitioning from job to school and no server access with Forticlient I've been unable to really work on anything the past few days. The horror!

Luckily I got the client setup just fine and found out some interesting news involving the transition from Blueprints to C++ with the InsectCharacter AI. The first part is that the C++ AIController works! It's a suitable vessel from which to hold the blackboard and behavior tree components separately from the C++ code.

As for the services, it was a bit tricky to figure out. Technically services derive from UBTService_BlueprintBase, which is heavily not recommended (not allowed, no-go) for native C++ class making. Problem is, the "Event Receive Tick" node that the entire service relies on each tick is not implemented in the other UBTServices. Luckily, the UBTService has a method that can be treated as a Tick, the OnSearchStart method. Each time the tree is searched through (Tick-tick-tick), the insects treat this as the service as necessary. By logging the data, I was able to see the action without translating everything to C++, so I'll get to translating it soon.

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