Saturday, March 5, 2016

Day 56: Less Slice, More Work

Phew! Our project made the cut, after plenty of ambitious work. Now to move on and enjoy Spring Break...

Ha! Just kidding. More homework is abound, mainly parsing a scope from an XML file.

How does one parse a scope, pray tell? With the XML parser and an Attributed class! I had to publicize the AddInternalSignature method and Populate method, but it works out fairly well. My main worry was parsing based on signature, but it seems I can make a Hashmap out of strings from XML tags and member function pointers, which have some of the most disgusting syntax in the world of C++14.

As for any issues? Well, the helper now needs access to shared data, so that means forward declarations. What? Can't forward a nested class? The parameter needs to be the master, then. It's quite bothersome, but the only way.

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