Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Day 74: Everything You Know is a Lie

Boy, was I mistaken today. Seems like the Attributed objects AREN'T for making classes from scratch. With that mistaken idea in mind, my parsing for the XML parsing was incorrect.

How will I survive? Luckily those methods were easily swapped out for Appends, but it still incredibly disappoints me how limited and (useless for now, pain in my neck) the Attributed class actually is. Not to mention the amount of rework that went into it.

With that in mind, the Entity/Sector/World classes all required special moving of external storage based on their classes, which fixed the problem I had when testing AttributedFoo. Hoorah! What's the catch? Well, I'm a bit tired for tonight, but the MoveConstructor/MoveAssignment tests are still giving me a few issues.

Parsing works, thankfully! I'm convinced that throwing exceptions anywhere during parsing is not the answer, and that returning false is a portion I've had to change a lot of my functions to reflect. Will the professor approve? His previous notions on what constitutes an exception vs failed helper handling seem to match.

What next? Completing this doozy of an assignment; they said that the Datum/Scope portion was the cliff, but this sure comes close in terms of shaky logic combined with a gigantic amount of (Attributed, thus painful) code to manage and test properly.

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