Until the exam! Just kidding. I finished up my capstone hours for this week, and it's the highest yet at 24 hours and 4 minutes. Hot diggity!
Seriously, I'm concerned there aren't more bugs sooner, but I'll chalk that up to constant bug fixing for now. The main bug today was making sure that the central-focused nodes indeed did point toward the crystal, but not the middle. This led one of my coworkers to originally have them pointing straight ahead, but I instead ditched that and went for a 3D widget style endpoint that one could drag around.
I put some more metrics in as well! They unfortunately won't be used as much for vertical slice in the next couple of days, but heck if I know what else needs fixed. I managed to get the time that the player has been attuned to each power, but the rest will be a research project for me over Spring Break. I know a screenshot of a csv file is riveting stuff for progress, but one can do without.
My assignment grades for programming actually went well! I was advised to take my struct with a union in it and turn it into a whole union, but it's fairly (impossible) difficult to determine how to build the constructor/destructor/assignment in that way, as the non-primitive types in the union forced deletion of basic methods (???)
What next? Make the broke thing fixed!
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