Monday, April 18, 2016

Day 100: A Day of Slow Windows

Ugh, the programming project hit a very strange snag. It only just showed up today, but whenever I try to effectively run the game in a small window, the game slows down exponentially. Maximizing the window fixes it.

That said, I successfully got text rendering in! Now one can load a ttf file and get 128 ASCII characters of their choosing.

As for capstone work, I worked on getting a level-blueprint-less matinee system in. It was tricky at first, as I inadvertently set up a system where input was always going to be enabled, preventing it to be disabled for a matinee. Then I realized that the simple calling of a DisableInput function was useless, as I figured one would want to pause and skip the matinee. Two and a half condition variables later, we got the condition we sought.

What's next? I may require another pair of eyes on the slow rendering matter.

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