Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Day 95: Lopsided

Today was another day for metering out tasks, but I got some fairly good progress on some high-priority requests from the producers. The first was to setup a color-fading for objects; I thought that I would have to use one of those janky Timeline objects, but I actually found out that using the elapsed time on the timer handles can do exactly the same thing (in a lerping perspective).

As for the big bug of the day?

Setting proper rotation for the player towards their levitating object was tricky and hilarious. Apparently when setting the actor rotation, the Y value of the rotator (pitch) translates to the Z rotation (yaw) of the character. Who knew?

And I also got more work done with the OpenGL sprite shading. Seems like I need to library link the SOIL modules next... for all builds and configurations...

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