Friday, April 15, 2016

Day 97: Late Night Code Is a Dangerous Thing

You bet! I couldn't help but get some work done today, though. We had an alright playtesting session today and the bugs spoke to me that they needed to be done! There was a nasty freeze caused by overflowing the PhysX overlap events, though the fix for that has yet to be programmed.

As for bugs? Bridges within objects? Things still glowing if they're too close? Music that ends when it shouldn't? The terror!

As for the OpenGL work today, I decided to make a Sprite object separate from the SpriteRenderer, as there were so many things that were run into a shader. Frame positions for tiled sprite sheets? Texture translation for scrolling backgrounds? Size? Rotation? Parameter overload!

Still, this is all just building a framework to work with. Making a messy-but-quick framework is easy, but heck if I'd let that slip past some fine work I can offer the group.

What's next? Other than bug fixing? I'll test delta time movement calculations and see if I can Frankenstein the code to the current project that we're using.

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