Monday, April 4, 2016

Day 86: Too Late For Pictures

Today was a little day in terms of capstone and other such work, but I did get a big thing done!

Said big thing was the resume; it had been something that I hoped I would save until I was ready (i.e. done with this semester), but there's already plenty that I could put on my resume before then.

That said, there is MUCH I have to catch up with regarding advanced lighting and shading that would benefit me in the long run. The previous site that I used to learn OpenGL shading (here) got a lot of updates, primarily in the advanced lighting category. Shadow mapping, point shadows, HDR, bloom, screen-space ambient occlusion, and deferred lighting. So many goodies that I had to pass up on because they weren't available yet now are! It's quite exciting.

As for capstone work, I used smooth interpolation to fix a bug where the time dilation ability would produce a time skip as things that ignored the time skip had to lose a few frames to accommodate the change.

But I'm still excited for the extra shading stuff!

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