Monday, July 25, 2016

Day 70: A Variety of Pretty Things

Seems like instancing meshes led to some strange complications. Some of the meshes became transparent, oh no! Or back-face culled. I just replaced it with a working mesh and it worked fine; it also allowed me to reduce the amount of meshes in the scene, replacing a rock where 15 or so filled up a small hole.

As for the terrain, post-processing filters are in the work!

Pixelation allows people to sample colors divided across an image, much like point filtering:

We can also split the image into color tones for a posterized effect:

By also reducing the colors and crosshatching where luminosity is darkest, we get a strange but cool cross-hatching:

By experimenting with cross sampling using kernel matrices, we can also use edge detection and even blurring with small enough values:

I sure do like post-processing!

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