Monday, February 1, 2016

Day 23: Building a Bridge Through My Skull

Phew! The HashMap is completed. It seems as though the issue was averted (not fixed, averted) by a fortunate requirement to shift the user-defined class implementation to a class-based implementation. That way, the test class is not an actual class used by other programs (it's quite hypothetical), but it and its special hash functor implementation is slipped right into a set of headers only accessed by the test class. I will miss testing it in non-test programs though. In all honesty, debugging tests is slower than debugging actual code.

As for the actual work on neurofeedback (once again!) it's definitely as I've feared; the program provided barely provides data (definitely not to a Unity interface) and is not set with clear instructions. I've setup the .exe as a gamedef file but the damn thing doesn't work.

More good news? Thankfully! The bridge power is fully setup as a C++ power. Now one can shoot an arrow from one spot to another and create a bridge that later self-destructs itself to prevent object bloat. Unfortunately, nobody on the Internet's been able to properly figure out timeline objects (updating a value over time), so I included a Blueprints timeline that calls a C++ function. Really though, I'm unsure whether we actually need the things...

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