Saturday, February 6, 2016

Day 28: How Many Datas Could a Datum Data?

Today marks the first big leap I've made in the current Datum assignment. In figuring out the template function issues, I've declared (not defined) the generic Get function, but declared and later defined in the implementation all the template specializations.

What's the fun stuff? Smooth rotation! Seems like by disabling Controller Rotation as Yaw in the character editor and setting Orient Rotation to Movement, the character now rotates smoothly while moving!

What's the problem? How to rotate without moving? Use RInterpTo! Problem is, using ticks inside the actual behavior tree..snap rotation? It's peculiar, and I've had to keep the rotation outside of the AI tree. There's still a bit of a bug with going straight from movement oriented rotation to non-moving rotation.

Next up? A laser! This spinning was meant for its purpose.

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