Sunday, February 21, 2016

Day 43: Two Man Neuro Brigade

Bad news first; Attributed's got me by the brains. I've put down a list of questions and scrapped up a find-index function for checking prescribed attributes, but...I'm just not sure.

Capstone has been bug-fix city. If there's something that needs made, debug boss ability keys, not sprinting unless while moving, and other such bugs...I've fixed em'. Hopefully we're good for internal playtesting.

The exciting good news? Somebody finally joined on actually making some progress with neurofeedback! It was mainly keeping sure they actually could setup the project to receive data, but it's progress nonetheless. I also got Muse data into EEGer, but the game needs authoring before we can stream live data.

I also put another subscriber into the force grid so the music-only part can be controlled with neurofeedback! Feel the insanity!

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