Sunday, February 28, 2016

Day 50: Who Uses The Metric System?

We do, most certainly! Mainly the system of metrics we plan to use for gameplay testing and measurement. Right now I've been tasked with just getting possible metrics written over time, the simplest being length of gameplay in a session. It's as simple as writing to a csv file, right?

Nay! The file writing of UE4 seems to be limited to writing a single string to a single file, so I took over and converted the FStrings to std::string objects so I could use the fstream objects to write to a file. So far, so good!

I've also tried to find ways to change KillZ in the game, but it's been extremely tricky. The KillZ volume can't be changed in game, so what I must do is place an object that invokes the FellOutOfWorld function when overlapping. Simple? Maybe. Difficult? You betcha.

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