Thursday, February 25, 2016

Day 47: Dark Lines and UI A-Comin

Today was quite the busy day (still in progress!), but I've made considerable progress today to give a status report.

Capstone was relatively straightforward in terms of work. I dug into another programmer's code to figure out why the lines weren't showing when the central-focused nodes were calcified, so I refactored a bit for better feedback:

What's that at the lower left corner? UI in progress! Right now I'm hooking up another UI widget to the PlayerController to ensure visual feedback on stamina and health.

As for the final portion, I've worked on a simple elevator translation of a producer prototype. The elevator only goes when the nodes are not calcified, allowing proper vertical ascension with a "barrier" of progress.

What's next? Work on XML parsing. Our next assignment is parsing XML the hard way...(through a wrapper in Expat and abstract base classes!)

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