Yeesh. It feels like I'm doing something I'm not supposed to be doing with Unreal. The main thing I want to do is spawn/respawn actors on the fly, so I took the prototype that one of my producers did on a procedurally built floor of moving blocks. What's the caveat? They have to update from property changes in the editor. Yeeeesh. With a mix of abusing the OnConstruction method (once, and deleting any objects that currently have no parent) along with a Super-less PostEditChangeProperty method (which would throw the weirdest exception if I spawned anything from it then exited the statement.
The other thing was a notice of not too many large tasks in the way; most of them are all on-the-fly bug fixes. Like putting the laser on the butt end of a charger! Yeah for scorpion designs! I had to be careful to rotate the laser each time so that the forward vector would intersect with the character at her vertical location each time when spinning:
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